Индоевропейские корни на *i\*y (Уоткинс)

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Праиндоевропейский ПИЕ корнеслов: A | B | Bh | D | Dh | E | G, G̑ | Gh, G̑h | Gw | Gwh | I, Y | K, K̑ | Kw | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U, W
Русско-индоевропейский Рус.-ПИЕ словарь: Б | В | Г | Д | Е, Ё | Ж | З | И | К | Л | М | Н | О | П | Р | С | Т | У | Х | Ц | Ч | Ш | Э | Я
Этимологические словари-источники (по авторам): Покорный | Старостин | Коблер | Уоткинс | Wiki

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Словари древних и.-е. языков: Авест. | Вен. | Гал. | Гот. | Др.-гр. | Др.-ирл. | Др.-мак. | Др.-перс. | Илл. | Кар. | Лат. | Лид. | Лик. | Лув. | Оск. | Пал. | Пали | Прус. | Др.-инд. | Ст.-сл. | Тох. | Умб. | Фрак. | Фриг. | Хет. | Ятв.

Словарь Уоткинса: A, B, Bh, D, , E, G, , Gh, Gʷh, I(Y), K, , L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U(W).

Источник: Calvert Watkins, The American Heritage® Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, 2000.

Всего на *i- \ *y- представлено 12 (1 + 11) корней из словаря Кальверта Уоткинса (Калверта Воткинса).

Индоевропейские корни Уоткинса (*i)

Pronominal stem.
Derivatives include yonder, identity, and item.
1. ilk1, from Old English ilca, same, from Germanic *is-lk- (*lk-, like; see lk-).
2. yon, from Old English geon, that, from Germanic *jaino-,*jeno-.
3a. yond, yonder, from Old English geond, as far as, yonder, from Germanic *jend-; b. beyond, from Old English geondan, beyond, from Germanic *jendana-.
4. Extended forms *ym, *yi. yea, yes, from Old English ga, affirmative particle, and gse, yes (see es-), from Germanic *j, *jai.
5. yet, from Old English get, geta still (preform uncertain).
6. Relative stem *yo- plus particle. if, from Old English gif, if, from Germanic *ja-ba.
7. Basic form *i-, with neuter *id-em. id, idem, identical, identity; identify, from Latin is, he (neuter id, it), and dem, same.
8. Suffixed form *i-tero-. iterate; reiterate, from Latin iterum, again.
9. Suffixed and extended form *it()-em. item, from Latin item, thus, also.
10. Stem *i- plus locatival particle *-dha-i. ibidem, from Latin ibdem, in the same place.
11. Suffixed variant form *e-tero- in compound *ke-e-tero- (see ko-).
(Pokorny 3. e- 281.)

Индоевропейские корни Уоткинса (*y)

To throw, impel. Contracted from *ye1-.
1. Extended zero-grade forms *yak-yo- and *yak-- (stative). gist, gite, jactitation, jess, jet2, jeté, jetsam, jettison, jetty1, joist, jut; abject, adjacent, adjective, amice, circumjacent, conjecture, deject, ejaculate, eject, inject, interject, object, parget, project, reject, subjacent, subject, superjacent, traject, from Latin iacere, to throw, lay, and iacre, to lie down (< “to be thrown”) and iaculum, dart.
2. Basic form *y- and zero-grade form *y-. catheter, diesis, enema, paresis, synesis, from Greek henai, to send, throw.
(Pokorny - 502.)
Ice. icicle, from Old English gicel, icicle, ice, from Germanic *jakilaz, *jekilaz.
(Pokorny eg- 503.)
To speak.
Suffixed o-grade form *yok-o-.jewel, jocose, jocular, joke, juggle, juggler; jeopardy, from Latin iocus, joke.
(Pokorny ek- 503.)
1. hepatic, hepato-; heparin, hepatitis, from Greek hpar, liver (stem hpat- < *ykw-t- < Indo-European oblique stem *ykwn-).
2. gizzard, from Persian jigar, liver.
(Pokorny ek-(t-)504.)
Year, season. Contracted from *ye1r-.
1. Suffixed basic form *yr-o-. a. year, from Old English gar, year; b. Yahrzeit, from Old High German jr, year. Both a and b from Germanic *jram, year.
2. Suffixed o-grade form *yr--. horary, hour; horologe, horology, horoscope, from Greek hr, season.
(In Pokorny 1. ei- 293.)
To boil, foam, bubble.
1. yeast, from Old English gist, yeast, from Germanic *jest-.2. kieselguhr, from Old High German jësan, to ferment, and jerian, to cause to ferment, from Germanic *jes-.
3. eczema, zeolite, from Greek zeein, zein, to boil.
(Pokorny es- 506.)
Vital force, youthful vigor.
Oldest form *2yeu-; variant of aiw-.
Suffixed zero-grade form *yuwen- (< *yu-en-), “possessing youthful vigor,” young.
1. Further suffixed form *yuw-ti-. youth, from Old English geoguth, youth, from Germanic *jugunthi-,*jugunth.
2. Further suffixed form *yuw-ko-.a. (i) young, from Old English geong, young; (ii) junker, from Old High German junc, young; (iii) younker, from Middle Dutch jonc, young. (i)–(iii) all from Germanic *jungaz, from *juwungaz; b. gallowglass, from Old Irish óac, from Celtic *yowanko-.
3.junior, June, Juno, juvenile; rejuvenate, from Latin iuvenis, young.
(Pokorny 3. eu- 510.)
To join.
Derivatives include yoke, jugular, adjust, junta, and yoga.
(I) Zero-grade form *yug-.
1. Suffixed form *yug-o-. a. yoke, from Old English geoc, yoke, from Germanic *yukam;b. jugate, jugular, jugum; conjugate, subjugate, from Latin iugum, yoke; c. zygo- zygoma, zygote, –zygous; azygous, syzygy, from Greek zugon, yoke, and zugoun, to join; d. Yuga, from Sanskrit yugam, yoke.
2. Suffixed (superlative) form *yug-isto-. jostle, joust; adjust, juxtapose, juxtaposition, from Latin ixt, close by, perhaps from *iugist (vi), “on a nearby (road).” 3. Nasalized zero-grade form *yu-n-g-.join, joinder, joint, jointure, junction, juncture, junta; adjoin, conjoin, conjugal, conjunct, enjoin, injunction, rejoin, rejoinder, subjoin, from Latin iungere, to join.
(II) Suffixed form *yeug-m. zeugma, from Greek zeugma, a bond.
(III) Suffixed o-grade form *youg-o-. yoga, from Sanskrit yoga, union.
(Pokorny 2. eu- 508.)
1. jural, jurist, jury1; abjure, adjure, conjure, injury, juridical, jurisconsult, jurisdiction, jurisprudence, nonjuror, objurgate, perjure, from Latin is (stem ir-), law, and its derivative irre, “to pronounce a ritual formula,” swear.
2. Compound form *yewes-dik- (see deik-).
3. Suffixed from *yewes-to-. just1, from Latin istus, just.
(Pokorny eos- 512.)
A grain, probably barley.
Suffixed form *yew-ya. zein, from Greek zeia, one-seeded wheat.
(Pokorny eo- 512.)
You. Second person (plural) pronoun. ye2, you, from Old English g and ow, you, from Germanic *jz (nominative) and *iwwiz (oblique).
(Pokorny 1. u-513.)

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